Cheshire Cat no.2 - Mow Cop

Mow Cop is the dreaded "killer mile" challenge on the Cheshire Cat so in preparation for the Sunday event (March 24th) I've had a look:

You can see Mow Cop from far away - tends to get you thinking
even before you've got near it
Here's what I would say is the real start of the climb - by this old pub - and it's pretty gentle
past here and straight up but then it goes right and gets really steep
This is looking down the really steep bit - that's early on - and just here it is a messy
road - mud, gravel and mini-pot holes 
Once you are over the early, steep bit unfortunately you are greeted with
the whole of the rest of the climb - there is is - mainly 10% but getting
to 15% just before the ramp you can see at the end
And here's the tough bit - right by this pub is the 25% sign.
About 200m of out of saddle climbing and you have done it!
 Notes: I rode up the whole way on a non-carbon bike with compact chain set (34 teeth) and 28 cog at the back. 

I'd say there were 4 sections:

1) Really easy bit at the start
2)  An unexpected steep bit through overhanging trees with gravel and mini-pot holes
3) A dead straight drag up the hill - 10 to 15%
4)  The 25% 200m final bit
There is a bit more climbing after that but its less steep.

If you conserve your legs and lungs all the way to the pub then you stand a good chance of climbing the last bit.

Good luck everyone!